Monday, July 22, 2013

It's finally the school holidays, which means sleeping in, extra hours at work (Extra money!!), more study time and being so bored that you learn fifteen new songs on the guitar in about seven hours.

Listening to classical music is really helping with study at the moment. I really should be studying more than I am because mid-years are in six weeks but I can't be bothered. I was supposed write an essay for English. So far  I have "Shakespeare exposes our dark and dangerous dreams for the purpose of improving our lives." (Yes that is just the question statement). We are meant to watch two movies with political issues in them for English, so I have an excuse to watch Les Miserables again. I was also supposed to plant mung beans a week ago for bio, but that hasn't happened yet either.

I still have an entire week to sort it all out and I will get everything done, eventually.

Have an amazing week:)

Monday, July 1, 2013

This year my friends and I decided that we would all learn how to play a new instrument. I picked the violin, it is not entirely new to me because I took lessons for a little while when I was 11/12, but it will still be a challenge because I mainly learned theory (the stuff the internet can't teach you very easily).

So last week I took my old dusty violin off it's shelf for the first time in years. I played a simple scale, and although it was really badly out of tune, I absolutely loved playing it.I re-learned to read sheet music and  I am now trying to learn how to play Brahms lullaby, and I have the fingers down but I still need to work on my bow skills a lot.

Wish me luck and have an amazing week :)